5 days in Jeff. Park
My last week of being in Oregon, I decided to go up to Jefferson Park, which a beautiful area at the base of Mt. Jefferson. Now I know what your thinking... "Oooohh, that sounds fun!"... but when you have luck like me that is not always the case. You see, God has blessed me with a life that is bound to be eventful. Don't ask me why... I guess he just has more memories for me or something. If you go on a trip with me, usually you will have a freak snowstorm, problems with the road or car, or just plain wierd stuff happen to you. I have had it all happen to me.... I have even been attacked by a prairie dog before! How many people do you know that have been attacked by a prairie dog?!?
Day 1
To get a layout of the trail, and to kinda see what I was up against, my sister and I decided to hike up there. It was rough. 75% of the trail was uphill... and when you are not used to hiking it tends to be even worse. We had fun though. We made it up to a point just before the park, but didnt know we were so close. We were really about a 1/4 of a mile from the park. After that though, I knew what I was going to have to do in order to get up there, so it was worth it. We were pretty sore by the time we got back. :) I think Sarah cried some on the way up, but she was a trooper.
Day 2
So a couple of days later I decided to go back and spend the night. I knew that it was supposed to rain, but I wasnt prepared for what was going to happen. I booked it up there! It took about 3 hours when I was with my sister to get up, and it took me two hours to get up that day. In fact, I was sweating so much that it looked like I was in a terenchal downpour! But... then again... that is why some people call me Rainman... becuase I do not sweat.... I RAIN!
As I was working my way up, it started misting... then the mist slowly turned to small drops... (this was fine with me)... THEN as soon as I got up to the actual park the clouds closed in and it started raining! And this was not just little rain... it was BIG rain! I thought, "This bites!"... but I still maintained some enthusiasm.
It was about lunch time, and the temperature was starting to drop a little... so I found a big tree to sit under to cook my lunch. As I was cooking my lunch, just my luck, guess what happened!?! The temperature dropped suddenly about 15 dgrees, and it began to snow. Not just little snow flakes. These were the big, clumped together kind! The ones that when you get hit in the face with your whole face gets wet! If I was at home they would have been a lot of fun to play in.... but that was not the case. I was huddled under a tree, trying to stay dry, and trying not to get my camera wet. It was after this change in the weather that I really started considering not spending the night.
I finished my lunch and checked the snowfall, and it dropped about 1/2 inch of snow in 40 minutes! It didn't look like it was going to let up either. Visibility was about 50 ft, and what was supposed to be Mt. Jefferson was just a cloud...... so I decided to go back. I am glad that I did it too, because when I went back the next day, about 5-6 inches had fallen.
Day 3
Knowing that there was going to be a good amount of snow there... I decided to just go up for a day. There is one spot that I scoped out in my cloudy, blind wanderings the day before. It was just before the park, and I made it up there pretty fast. I could see the mountain just before I went up and man was it pretty! Snow covered with clouds hanging at the bottom of it. I thought, "This is going to be awesome!" Well... I got up there, and it was cloud covered. I actually think that it was only cloud covered where I was at... because when I got back down to the Jeep at the end of the day, it was clear and shiny again. This image is the most of Jeff. that I saw... I think though that it turnout ok. The I just stayed in the one spot and really picked apart my location photographically. I think that I got some good shots.
Day4 and 5
So now knowing that this is going to be my final plug to try and conquer Ol' Jeff., I decided to go up and stay the night. I get up late, booked it up there... and whalah! Beautiful! Finally all this work paid off! I was up there for a sunset and sunrise.... and no four-legged animals came to visit me in the middle of the night. I had a wonderful time while I was up there, I even climbed up Park Butte to look over the entire park. I haven't had much time to look at these pictures... but I know that they are going to be good! Here are a couple. I relaxed some, read my bible, and went back later in the day.

Final results
So altogether I backpacked about 50 miles that week. I lost 12 pounds, and one inch off of my waist! I had about 50% of my time as frustration...... and wore myself out almost everyday. All this for a couple of good pictures! Was it worth it?.... Definately.
To get a layout of the trail, and to kinda see what I was up against, my sister and I decided to hike up there. It was rough. 75% of the trail was uphill... and when you are not used to hiking it tends to be even worse. We had fun though. We made it up to a point just before the park, but didnt know we were so close. We were really about a 1/4 of a mile from the park. After that though, I knew what I was going to have to do in order to get up there, so it was worth it. We were pretty sore by the time we got back. :) I think Sarah cried some on the way up, but she was a trooper.
Day 2
So a couple of days later I decided to go back and spend the night. I knew that it was supposed to rain, but I wasnt prepared for what was going to happen. I booked it up there! It took about 3 hours when I was with my sister to get up, and it took me two hours to get up that day. In fact, I was sweating so much that it looked like I was in a terenchal downpour! But... then again... that is why some people call me Rainman... becuase I do not sweat.... I RAIN!
As I was working my way up, it started misting... then the mist slowly turned to small drops... (this was fine with me)... THEN as soon as I got up to the actual park the clouds closed in and it started raining! And this was not just little rain... it was BIG rain! I thought, "This bites!"... but I still maintained some enthusiasm.
It was about lunch time, and the temperature was starting to drop a little... so I found a big tree to sit under to cook my lunch. As I was cooking my lunch, just my luck, guess what happened!?! The temperature dropped suddenly about 15 dgrees, and it began to snow. Not just little snow flakes. These were the big, clumped together kind! The ones that when you get hit in the face with your whole face gets wet! If I was at home they would have been a lot of fun to play in.... but that was not the case. I was huddled under a tree, trying to stay dry, and trying not to get my camera wet. It was after this change in the weather that I really started considering not spending the night.
I finished my lunch and checked the snowfall, and it dropped about 1/2 inch of snow in 40 minutes! It didn't look like it was going to let up either. Visibility was about 50 ft, and what was supposed to be Mt. Jefferson was just a cloud...... so I decided to go back. I am glad that I did it too, because when I went back the next day, about 5-6 inches had fallen.

Knowing that there was going to be a good amount of snow there... I decided to just go up for a day. There is one spot that I scoped out in my cloudy, blind wanderings the day before. It was just before the park, and I made it up there pretty fast. I could see the mountain just before I went up and man was it pretty! Snow covered with clouds hanging at the bottom of it. I thought, "This is going to be awesome!" Well... I got up there, and it was cloud covered. I actually think that it was only cloud covered where I was at... because when I got back down to the Jeep at the end of the day, it was clear and shiny again. This image is the most of Jeff. that I saw... I think though that it turnout ok. The I just stayed in the one spot and really picked apart my location photographically. I think that I got some good shots.
Day4 and 5
So now knowing that this is going to be my final plug to try and conquer Ol' Jeff., I decided to go up and stay the night. I get up late, booked it up there... and whalah! Beautiful! Finally all this work paid off! I was up there for a sunset and sunrise.... and no four-legged animals came to visit me in the middle of the night. I had a wonderful time while I was up there, I even climbed up Park Butte to look over the entire park. I haven't had much time to look at these pictures... but I know that they are going to be good! Here are a couple. I relaxed some, read my bible, and went back later in the day.

So altogether I backpacked about 50 miles that week. I lost 12 pounds, and one inch off of my waist! I had about 50% of my time as frustration...... and wore myself out almost everyday. All this for a couple of good pictures! Was it worth it?.... Definately.
I finally got around to reading your weblog from your trip. I've spoken with you on the phone, had Thanksgiving and Birthday celebrations with you, but right now is the first time I've sat down to see what you did. The images (I'm learning the terminology) are amazing. You really do have a great gift from the Lord for photography. I love you! Mom
I love the picture of the mountains with the red wild flowers in the foreground. It is stunning!
Your other Mom
Everytime I look at your pictures tears come to my eyes. I just can't believe how beautiful the world is some times. God speaks to me of his awesomeness, beauty and love through such exquisite photographs.
What beautiful pictures!
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